

Skincare FAQ Episode: Chemical Sun Filters

Episode details provided by Jasmine Borschberg, Founder Tempat Senang Laboratories

At the top of our nasties list are the chemical sun filters used in sunscreens. These are not to be confused with mineral sunblocks. Chemical filters absorb the sun’s harmful rays whereas mineral sunblock refracts the harmful rays away from your skin.

Up until recently, chemical sun filters have been the more popular choice with consumers. One of the main reasons is strictly out of vanity. People don’t like the ghostly white look mineral sunblocks offer, but here’s the downside to being vain.

Studies at the University of Hawaii and 6 other countries (Australia, Mexico, Palau, Key west, Virgin Islands, Aruba) have banned sunblocks that use these ingredients.

  • Oxybenzone
  • Octocrylene
  • Avobenzone
  • 4-methyl-benzylidene camphor
  • Triclosan
  • Methyl paraben
  • Ethyl paraben
  • Butyl paraben
  • Benzyl paraben

These sunblock ingredients are killing off the coral reefs. And here’s a horrifying fact – a chemical such as oxybenzone is so toxic, that a single drop diluted into a water solution with the volume of six Olympic sized swimming pools is enough to start killing coral.

Sunblock spf 35Kids Sunblock spf 40

You have to ask yourself if sunscreen and other skincare products with these chemicals are really what you want to slather your body with? Because if they kill coral reefs at such a low dose and at an alarming rate, think about what they do to your body.

Femboy Dating: Beyond Stereotypes, Embracing Authenticity

Are you tired of dating apps that only cater to traditional gender norms? Looking for a space where you can connect with individuals who challenge societal expectations and embrace their authentic selves? Look no further than the world of Femboy Dating. In this article, we will explore the concept of Femboy Dating and how it goes beyond stereotypes, promoting a culture of acceptance and embracing diversity.

Traditionally, dating has been confined to narrow gender roles and expectations. But as society becomes more open-minded and inclusive, individuals are breaking free from these constraints and expressing their true identities. Femboy Dating is a platform that celebrates individuals who identify as feminine, regardless of their assigned gender at birth. It provides a safe space for people to connect, share experiences, and build meaningful relationships. Join us as we delve into the world of Femboy Dating, challenging stereotypes, and exploring the importance of authenticity in modern dating.

Challenging Stereotypes: Breaking Down the Misconceptions of Femboy Dating

Femboy dating is a unique experience that goes beyond stereotypes, allowing individuals to embrace their authenticity. Contrary to popular belief, femboys are not defined by their appearance or gender expression alone. They are individuals who challenge societal norms and express their true selves without conforming to traditional gender roles. In the world of dating, femboys offer a refreshing perspective, breaking free from the confines of stereotypes and encouraging others to do the same.

When it comes to femboy dating, authenticity is key. Femboys are unapologetic about their gender expression and are not afraid to be themselves. This authenticity creates a space where individuals can explore their own identities and preferences without judgment. It allows for genuine connections to be formed, based on mutual understanding and acceptance. By embracing authenticity, femboy dating opens up a world of possibilities, where people can connect on a deeper level, beyond superficial expectations.

Furthermore, femboy dating challenges societal norms and encourages others to question preconceived notions about gender and attraction. It promotes inclusivity and acceptance, breaking down barriers that limit individuals’ understanding of themselves and others. Femboy dating is a celebration of diversity and a reminder that love and connection can transcend societal expectations. It allows individuals to explore their own desires and preferences without fear of judgment, fostering an environment of acceptance and understanding.

Embracing Authenticity: Celebrating Self-Expression in Femboy Dating Relationships

When it comes to dating, it is important to go beyond stereotypes and embrace authenticity. This is especially true in the world of femboy dating, where individuals who identify as femboys are breaking free from societal norms and expressing their true selves. Femboys are typically male individuals who embrace feminine qualities and aesthetics, challenging traditional gender roles. If you are interested in connecting with femboys and exploring meaningful relationships, is a great platform to consider.

On this femboy dating site, you can connect with like-minded individuals who appreciate and celebrate authenticity. It provides a safe and inclusive space for femboys to express themselves without judgment. Whether you are a femboy yourself or someone who admires and supports femboys, this dating site allows you to connect with potential partners who share similar passions and interests. By embracing authenticity and going beyond stereotypes, you open yourself up to the possibility of finding genuine connections and building meaningful relationships. Visit to explore the world of femboy dating and discover the beauty of embracing true authenticity.

Navigating Gender Norms: Exploring the Intersection of Masculinity and Femininity in Femboy Dating

When it comes to dating, it is important to look beyond stereotypes and embrace authenticity. This is particularly true in the case of femboy dating. Femboys are individuals who express themselves in a feminine way, defying traditional gender norms. However, they often face stereotypes and misconceptions that can hinder their dating experiences.

It is crucial to understand that femboys are unique individuals with their own desires, interests, and personalities. By embracing authenticity, we can break free from preconceived notions and appreciate femboys for who they truly are. This means recognizing their femininity as a form of self-expression rather than a reflection of their sexual orientation or identity.

When dating a femboy, it is essential to approach the relationship with an open mind and respect. Communication plays a vital role in any successful relationship, and it is no different when dating a femboy. By having honest conversations about expectations, boundaries, and preferences, both partners can ensure a healthy and fulfilling connection. Remember, embracing authenticity means celebrating femboys for their unique qualities and appreciating them as individuals rather than conforming to societal expectations.

Overcoming Stigma: Empowering Femboys and their Partners in the Dating World

When it comes to dating, it is essential to break free from stereotypes and embrace authenticity. This is especially true in the case of femboy dating, where individuals who identify as femboys challenge societal norms and express their gender identity authentically. Femboys are individuals who may present themselves in a feminine manner while still identifying as male. They often defy traditional gender roles and embrace their unique blend of femininity and masculinity.

What sets femboy dating apart is the emphasis on acceptance and understanding. In a society that often judges based on appearances and stereotypes, it is crucial to look beyond these surface-level expectations and focus on genuine connections. By embracing authenticity, femboy dating encourages individuals to be true to themselves and find partners who appreciate and respect their identities. It is a space where people can explore their own gender expressions and connect with like-minded individuals who appreciate them for who they truly are, beyond societal expectations.

Redefining Relationships: Embracing Diversity and Fluidity in Femboy Dating Dynamics

Femboy dating is a concept that goes beyond stereotypes, embracing authenticity and challenging societal norms. It involves forming connections with individuals who identify as femboys, which is a term used to describe individuals who express femininity while being assigned male at birth. In femboy dating, it is essential to look beyond the surface and appreciate the unique qualities and experiences that femboys bring to relationships.

One of the key aspects of femboy dating is embracing authenticity. Instead of conforming to societal expectations, femboys are encouraged to express themselves in a way that feels true to their identity. This authenticity is not only empowering for femboys but also creates a space where genuine connections can be formed. Femboy dating challenges traditional gender roles and encourages individuals to break free from societal constraints, fostering an environment of acceptance and understanding.

Embracing authenticity is at the heart of femboy dating, shattering stereotypes and creating a space for genuine connections. By challenging societal norms, femboys are redefining what it means to be masculine, feminine, and everything in between. It is through this journey that they invite others to embrace their true selves, fostering an environment of acceptance and understanding. Whether you identify as a femboy or are interested in dating one, remember that authenticity is key. Look beyond the labels and appreciate the unique qualities that each individual brings to the table. Together, let’s celebrate diversity and create a world where everyone can love and be loved for who they truly are.

Just 20 minutes after applying sunscreen that contains the chemical oxybenzone you can already measure it in your urine. Now that you know this, ask yourself; is this something you want in your system?

According to studies over 80% of the population in the USA has oxybenzone in their blood.

Some of these ingredients are considered to be endocrine disruptors which are chemicals that interfere with our hormones. A little white streaking from mineral sunblock might be a small price to pay to get away from these ingredients. Marketing companies are hard at work selling an unrealistic idea of skincare.

Just think about the classic image of a lifesaver on the beach with a white nose. Worry less about how you look and more about the poison entering your system. Wear your natural sunblock as a badge of honour, and others will too.